It maintains that the present study not only indicates that speech act theory is of high value in its application but also provides a fresh linguistic approach for literary criticism. 本研究不但表明言语行为理论的应用价值,而且为文学批评理论提供一种新的语言学方法。
Using a present value of an annuity table is a simpler approach. 使用年金桌子的现在价值是比较简单的方式。
The Research on the Gray Theory Applied in the Present Value of Income Approach 灰色理论在收益现值法中应用的研究
Certain decision approaches consist net present value approach, internal rate of return approach and payback period approach. The definition of dynamic solution of payback period for investment is discussed in this paper. 我们将传统的项目价值评估方法分为确定性决策方法和不确定性决策方法两类进行介绍。在讨论投资回收年限定义的基础上,分析了动态解的三个特性;
According to the analysis to the influential factors during oilfield stimulation and based on the theory of iso marginal cost and present value approach this paper establishes reasonable distribution models of stimulation treatments in different blocks, and provides reasonable distribution methods to the improved production in different blocks. 通过对影响油田挖潜措施因素的分析,应用等边际成本理论及现值法研究建立了不同区块挖潜措施合理分配模型,并对不同区块的措施产量进行了合理分配。
First, the analysis of corporate investment decisions, the main distribution of dividends or rate of return method and by adding the net present value method of real options theory, the investment approach of the two will be discussed in later chapters. 首先说明了企业投资决策分析的方法,方法主要有可分配股利收益法和加入实物期权理论的净现值法,这两种的投资方法的比较将在后面的章节讨论。
Firstly, this paper introduces the concept and characteristics of environmental protection investment and the theory of net present value method, analyzes the shortage of the net present value approach. 本文首先介绍了环保投资的概念、特点,净现值法的理论基础,分析了净现值法在评估项目时的不足。
In this paper, we study the core problem is: by measuring the rural cadastral education college students and personal cost of personal gain, using the net present value approach, present value index method, the two methods to personal cost and benefits for further analysis. 本文要研究的核心问题是:通过测量农村籍大学生教育个人成本以及个人收益,运用净现值法,现值指数法这两种方法对个人成本和收益进行进一步的分析。
In certainty world, there are net present value approach, internal rate of return approach, payback period approach and profitability index approach. 在确定型环境里,投资决策有净现值法、内部收益率法、回收期法和收益指数法等方法。
For providing differentiated service, we improve and present a novel weighing Max-Min fair allocation algorithm. Average value is used to fast approach the fair resource value, thus improves the convergence rate of this algorithm. 为提供区分服务,改进并提出一种带权快速Max-Min公平分配算法,用多次平均值来快速逼近公平带宽值,提高收敛速度。
Non-monetary assets in exchange for the fair value determined by using the quantitative method, mainly adopts assets evaluation, mathematical statistics method were studied, namely, three kinds of methods to determine price method, cost method and present value approach. 在对非货币性资产交换中公允价值采用定量的方法进行确定时,主要采用了资产评估、数理统计等方法分别研究了三种确定方法,即市价法、成本法以及现值法。
The cost estimate of tax deferred items can be implemented to measure loss interests by either the revenue forgone approach or present value approach. 对税收递延项目的成本估算,可以按收入放弃法原理计算损失的利息,也可以考虑引入现值法的做法。
Those factors form the valuation model when they are combined together: the expected return of copyright is decided by the legal factors, then the appraiser can calculate the present value of the commercial value of copyright by income approach based on the expected return. 这些因素有机的结合在一起构成了版权商业价值的评估模型:法律影响因素决定版权的预期收益,然后采用收益法即可计算出版权商业价值的现值。
Present value engineering construction industry in China is still in the initial stage of the application, the application of the construction industry in China is not common, no system of implementation of the approach and the prescribed procedures. 目前价值工程在我国建筑业中的应用还处于初级阶段,在我们国家建筑业中的应用还不常见,还没有出现系统的实施办法及规范程序。